Other Research Questions
Beyond the aforementioned research questions, the Complementary Management Model is also potentially useful for various other areas of human resource science. It remains to be seen which problems – beyond the topics mentioned here – will prompt the scientific community to refer to the individual components of the theory in the future.
Managing and Leading Part-time
“Every job is always a result and a component of the division of labor, and therefore, in turn, always further divisible.” (Andreas Hoff). Indeed, one of the main reasons why managing and leading part-time is still widely considered problematic is the inadequate organizational specification of many management positions. What is not clearly defined cannot be meaningfully shared – and this is precisely where the Complementary Management Model proves useful, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. You can find more on this topic on Professor Anja Karlshaus’s informational website: »www.teilzeitfuehrung.info
HR Governance
HR governance is understood to be the normative framework of an organization’s personnel management. The Complementary Management Model, with its seven theoretical elements, facilitates the structuring of HR governance and thus enables a more precise examination. In addition, HR governance is included as a partial management task in the Complementary Management Model.