Teaching Material

More and more lecturers are incorporating the Complementary Management Model into their teaching. The teaching material listed here is intended to support them in this.

Presentation slides

Here you can find presentation slides for download. They are graphics taken from and based on the book “Complementary Management – A Practice-driven Model of People Management and Leadership in Organizations” by Boris Kaehler (Springer Gabler 2022).

The copyright and rights of use of the slides remain with the author. Their use – e.g. in courses, commercial training, public lectures etc. – requires permission in individual cases. Please send an email to boris.kaehler [@] goodhr.de He usually responds immediately and positively.

For German slides, please see the » German version of this website«. More German slides (from the book “Führen als Beruf”) can be found »here«.


»Here« you will find a “handout” in text form to accompany the presentation slides. It is an excerpt from the book “Complementary Management – A Practice-driven Model of People Management and Leadership in Organizations” by Boris Kaehler (Springer 2022).